PEOPLE WATCHING (musings from the airport)

We arrived  at the airport 2 hours before flight departure as suggested, only to find out on arrival that the flight was cancelled as we were scheduled on the next one 3 hours later. 

So glad we woke up at 330am for that. 

We couldn’t check our bags in so we set up in a little posy near the entrance and waited, and waited and waited. 

And on waiting, Kenzie listened to music and I watched the people.

Rushing in, meandering in. Bags wheeled behind them, backpacks strewn across weary shoulders. Most of them unamused by the pre dawn attendance. 

The space was quiet and unassuming on arrival, just the way we like our spaces. But within 30 minutes of sitting by that door in that quiet little posy the departure area bloomed into a hive of frantic activity. 

I could see them outside walking towards the entrance, and the split second decision they all made to enter this door, or the one further ahead. The speed at which they’re brains were receiving, encoding and responding to information (fucking fast) was almost slowed down to my otherwise un-entertained mind. I could literally see the neural pathways firing in the micro movements of their body and the darting of their eyes before they’d swiftly turn into the door just in front of me. 

I saw every single variation of the human species you could imagine. All of them hideous and beautiful in their own right.

Not only did I see their human form - shape, size, colour - but I could also see into their minds in the way they moved, the speed at which they decided where to go, the clothes they wore, the subtle look of panic, ease or “I’m fucking off my face after a night out and I can’t handle this level of activity right now” on their faces, they’re consideration for others, the cleanliness of their shoes, their posture, their walking pace and style (man people walk funny), and the people they were with.

I saw them all. I gained insight into them and their lives in a fleeting moment of presence to their entry to the airport. 

So this an ode to the people that I witnessed while I sat on my ass waiting for a flight that was hours away. An ode to the messiness of humanness. 

The ugly

The beautiful

The terrified

The confident

The proud

The ‘why the fuck am I here’ at this hour 

The ADHD Speedy McSpeedsters

The kappa-imbalanced sloth (seriously never seen a man move slower)

The well dressed

The ranger (red head)

The ‘ugg boots are ok to wear to the airport’ (not they’re not love. They’re fucking slippers)

The careless

The tatooedd

The pierced

The overachievers trying to make Daddy proud (45+ year old man with beard I’m looking at you)

The ‘my pillow goes everywhere with me’ (I feel you brother)

The morbidly obese

The ‘I don’t identify as that (insert all the pronouns)’

The immobile - with every sort of mobility aid

The anxious

The ‘if I wear this fancy coat I’ll look put together’ (I see you falling apart in your heart, lovely)

The limbless 

The frantic mother dragging two kids 

The 80+ year off granny with pixie cut white hair wearing pretty much the same outfit as me and looking FINE (thanks Decujba)

The green-dyed haired

The pull your shorts up, no one needs to see your undies right now mate

The ‘my shoes have been worn every day for 8 years and they’re the only ones I own’

The dirty Sanchez mo 

The ‘I regret having too many children’

The ‘I’m not a morning person’ 

The loud and obnoxious turn your voice down its 5am person 

The fat friend

The cool friend 

The scaredy cat

The ‘I’m important and going somewhere important’

The ‘it’s suitable to wear black socks, white trainers, a long green hippy skirt, khaki puffer coat to ankles, beanie and headphones over top’ - situ-fucking-ation 👀

The rule abiders 

The ‘fuck your masks’ non-wearers 

The gimme a quick vape before I walk inners

The ageing

The youth

The dying 

The injured

The I just came straight from the clubbers 

The well shaven, hair is done, I am looking grooooooomeders

The uncertain

The ‘heck yes I’m travelling!’ 

The frustrated with lifers

The impatient

The bossy

The immigrant

The complacent 

The worried 

The overjoyed with lifers 

And every single thing in between.

If we open our hearts in curiosity to witness the depths of our humanness, we’d see that despite our many differences we are all a lot the same. This SPECTRUM of humanness is vast and expansive, with infinite possibilities and expressions. Yet we’ve become so single minded to what should be possible. There is nothing cookie cutter about us, and thank god for that. We are all messy and chaotic, calm and mystical, cautious and wonderful in the same breath. Despite our neurology, our conditions, our stories, our beliefs, our choose in clothes, our challenges, our joys.

It’s all brilliant. Our uniqueness is something to be celebrated, to be awed. Like “wow … how could one species be expressed in this many ways?”.

What a wild life this is. 

Tanya Savva