Autumn Journey Within

Saturday 25th May

4:00 - 6:30pm @ Body Mind Flow, Camden

As the seasons change we are presented with a powerful opportunity to match these changes with our own energetic shifts. Just as the leaves fall in Autumn, we also move through life in transience. Nature reminds us of the impermanence of life. As our external starts to soften from the heat and activity of summer, we can create conscious space to let go of anything that doesn’t serve us energetically, emotionally, physically and spiritually

In this 2.5 hour journey under the guiding light of the Full Moon, we’ll consciously reflect, call forth all that we no longer need and release it, so we can settle into the bliss state of a clear, grounded and connected state of Being. 


  • Sacred cacao ceremony to open your heart 

  • Breathwork to open and clear your mind 

  • Meditation to drop into your self

  • Restorative yin practice with reiki healing from your hosts 

  • Sound healing

  • Intention setting and journaling

Investment: $70 


  • Journal and pen 

  • Keep cup for cacao 

  • Blanket

Hosts: Mel Omar and Tanya Savva 

Mel Omar is the founder of Body Mind Flow studio and principal of Inspire Holistic Training College with a diverse background in Meditation, Fitness, Yoga, Holistic Counselling, Shamanic Reiki and Holistic Wellness Coaching. Mel has cultivated a nurturing community where individuals are empowered to deepen their connection to themselves. Emphasising the importance of self-care as a pathway to self-love, individuals embark on a journey of self-discovery, embracing holistic practices that promote balance, vitality, and inner peace.

Tanya Savva is a Rebirthing Breathwork Facilitator, Yoga and Meditation teacher, Emotional Freedom + Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner, intuitive energy worker and established retreat facilitator. Tanya offers a multi- modality approach to shed layers of emotional, physical and psychological discomfort. She creates a safe space that encourages a deep dive beyond the confines of the mind, into the heart of your Truth to connect, integrate and heal to cultivate freedom from suffering. Through these experiences, you cultivate a deeper relationship to and awareness of your Self, to be free of the conditions of a life that limit your potential. 

What is Yin Yoga?

Yin yoga is a gentle and restorative style of yoga that encourages the body, mind and spirit to harmoniously integrate to promote a feeling of internal rest, wholeness and wellbeing. Targeting the deep connective tissues and fascia in the body, the body rests in different shapes (accessible to everyone regardless of previous experience) to allow the body to surrender and open to its expansive possibilities. Yin yoga encourages energy to flow through the body to promote a feeling of wholeness, calming the nervous system and enhancing well being

What is Reiki?

Reiki is an ancient Japanese healing modality that uses universal energy of light and harmony, transferred through the palms of the healer to the student when a soft touch of hands is applied to the body. It enhances a deep state of inner peace and energetically works in shifting any blockages/tension to promote well-being to the body, mind and spirit. Reiki can be experienced as heat or tingling and has a deeply relaxing, restorative quality. The healer acts as a conjugate for the energy to shift the body back to a state of equilibrium, helping clear anything that is no longer serving you; inviting a sense of peace.